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“Born Learning Trail” Installed at Burroughs Molette

Learning happens everywhere a child goes, but caregivers may not always know how to support that learning. To encourage educational activities for the youngest learners in our community, United Way of Coastal Georgia (UWCGA) plans to install a Born Learning Trail at the Boys and Girls Club at Burroughs Molette.

On Monday, September 14, as part of the 2020-21 UWCGA Campaign Kickoff, community volunteers and local education stakeholders will install a series of outdoor interactive early learning activities to help parents, grandparents and caregivers turn excursions into fun learning moments.

“This trail promotes fun and games – important components of early childhood learning,” said Justin Callaway, UWCGA Executive Director. “Research tells us that children are literally ‘born learning’ which means there is the opportunity for at least five years of education to take place before they even enter kindergarten.”
Based on the latest early childhood research and approved by national early learning experts through United Way of Worldwide, the Born Learning Trail is designed to help adults interact with children to boost language and literacy development. It also helps caregivers understand how best to support early learning in outdoor everyday moments.

“I’m thrilled that we will permanently offer these interactive activities and appreciate the partnership with the Boys and Girls Club to install the trail on their site,” echoed Janelle Harvey, Community Impact Manager at UWCGA. “We know that what happens in a child’s early years matters – for success in life and for school readiness. Our hope is that the Born Learning Trail will help our community do even more to get children off to the right start.”